Welcome to Dr. SeaSeven

Dr. SeaSeven is a Vegan Superfood, from a blend of 7 wild-harvested sea vegetables.

Dr. SeaSeven is harvested from the coldest waters from around the world in their region of origin.

The Dr. SeaSeven synergistic blend contains most vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and amino acids in nature’s perfect balance—plus antioxidants, phyto-nutrients and many other powerful nutrients found in nature, required for ultimate health.

I.G.Carney DC, F.I.A.C.A.

“Dr. SeaSeven™ is my "go to product" because my patients respond so quickly.

Dr. Carney is recognized as an international weight loss expert.

Ben Johnson MD, NMD

“The Sea Vegetables in Dr. SeaSeven™ are among the most nutritious foods on the planet”. Studies have shown they have anti-Inflammatory benefits due to the sulfated polysaccharides in them. They also help in detoxing, by ridding the body of heavy metals and radiation, to bring your body back to ultimate health.

Dr. Johnson is recognized as a world famous breast health specialist and the only medical doctor on the #1 selling DVD world wide “The Secret”. Dr. Johnson is also the co-author of the best selling health book... The Healing Codes.